Sunday 19. May 2024 - Zadnja sprememba ob 21:38:32

Zimski ples

3. marec 2007 ob 21:25 | Vest |

V Mariboru se je pretekli teden zaključila šestdnevna zimska plesna šola, v organizaciji JSKD Območne izpostave Maribor ter ZKD Maribor. Dan pred zaključkom so udeleženci plesnih delavnic skupaj z domačimi in tujimi mentorji v dvorani Union predstavili produkcijo 22. zimske plesne šole.

Vesna Lovrec

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Komentarji - 1 komentar
  1. cortexi supplement pravi:

    Cortexi is a completely natural product that promotes healthy hearing, improves memory, and sharpens mental clarity. Cortexi hearing support formula is a combination of high-quality natural components that work together to offer you with a variety of health advantages, particularly for persons in their middle and late years. Cortexi not only improves hearing but also decreases inflammation, eliminates brain fog, and gives natural memory protection.
