Novi potni listi
29. junij 2009 ob 21:26 | Zlatko Širol |Predstavniki ministrstva za notranje zadeve so predstavili drugo generacijo biometričnih potnih listov, ki bodo za razliko od zdajšnjih dodatno vsebovali dva biometrična prstna odtisa. Po besedah generalnega direktorja direktorata za upravne notranje zadeve Dušana Vučka večjih težav ob zamenjavi potnih listov ne pričakujejo.
Po Vučkovih besedah je zamenjava potnih listov potrebna zaradi novele zakona o potnih listinah, ki je začela veljati danes. Novelo je državni zbor sprejel zaradi uredbe Sveta EU, po kateri so morale vse države članice EU do 28. avgusta 2006 začeti izdajate biometrične potne liste z dodano biometrijo obraza, z 28. junijem 2009 pa tudi potne listine z biometrijo dveh prstnih odtisov.
Večjih težav ob zamenjavi potnih listov na ministrstvu za notranje zadeve ne pričakujejo, posebej, ker vseh potnih listov ne bo treba menjati naenkrat. Zdajšnji potni listi namreč veljajo normalno vse do njihovega izteka.
Letos bo sicer poteklo 7645 potnih listov, danes do 12. ure pa so po besedah Vučka prejeli 300 vlog za izdajo novega potnega lista.
Prstne odtise vam bodo ob vložitvi vloge za izdajo potnega lista s posebno elektronsko napravo odvzeli na upravni enoti, in sicer z levega in desnega kazalca. V kolikor odvzem s palca zaradi zdravstvenih razlogov ni mogoče, se lahko po besedah vodje sektorja za osebna stanja, javne listine in prijavo prebivališča Alenke Colja odvzame tudi s sredinca, prstanca ali palca. V primeru trajne poškodbe prstov pa se lahko izda tudi potni list brez biometričnih prstnih odtisov.
Novi potni list se na videz ne bo bistveno razlikoval od zdajšnjih, enaka pa ostaja tudi njegova cena - 37,49 evrov za potni list z 32 stranmi, kar bo besedah Colje pomeni, da so slovenski potni listi še vedno najcenejši potni listi v državah EU.
Vodja sektorja za informacijske storitve upravnih notranjih zadev Vladimir Logofetov pa je povedal, da so ob personalizaciji potnega lista in čipa podatki zaščiteni ter kriptirani z infrastrukturo javnih ključev in elektronskim podpisom, tako da je njegov imetnik varen pred njihovim spreminjanem, brisanjem in zlorabami.
Druga generacija biometričnih potnih listov sicer po besedah Vučka predstavlja že četrti potni list v samostojni Sloveniji. Za njeno uvedbo so porabili od 800.000 do 900.000, izdelovalo pa jih bo na javnem razpisu že pred časom izbrano celjsko podjetje Cetis.
Vprašanja novinarjev.
29. junij, 2009 ob 21:33
NWO in da haus!
pridno izvršujemo navodila USA!
Ko pridemo do čipa pod kožo se bom ustavil in začel sreljati!!
29. junij, 2009 ob 22:00
Novi potni list se na videz ne bo bistveno razlikoval od zdajšnjih, enaka pa ostaja tudi njegova cena - 37,49 evrov za potni list z 32 stranmi.
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? a spet bo treba plačvat, matr. cepci. usausausasa
29. junij, 2009 ob 22:39
Luka, na koga boš pa streljal? Samo da ne bo kakšen medved.
29. junij, 2009 ob 22:56
ne se je bat!
delete * from drzavljani;)
vrat, ki Nas varujejo pred požari prosim vklopite, zaklenite, kljuće pa funknite v najgloblje oceane.
Dragi gospodar-ji,
Torej je lov na biometriććććććne podatke državljanov “banance” uradno začel?!
Prvi pride prvi melje.
29. junij, 2009 ob 23:01
ja će bo treba bo treba…. pa će tudi mu rećeš Medo ;)
30. junij, 2009 ob 0:00
Ćip imaš, u mobiču :), na netu, …
Smo že piščanci, še kljune nam poščipajo in monsanto koruze natrosijo.
30. junij, 2009 ob 11:48
Največkrat smo osebne dokumente, kot potne liste, os. izkaznice, vozniška, prometna dovoljenja , nalepke, menjali v času absolutizma LDS-a . itd.. Na ta način so “dizajnerjem” in tiskarjem iz njihovih vrst, omogočili brezmejne bogatitve na račun državljanov. ampak te nepotrebnosti se vse pozabljajo !
Te nepotrebnosti so se začele ponavljati !
30. junij, 2009 ob 13:52
une registrske nalepke za avto, ono je bil pa ornk nateg, tist bi pa mogli enga prjet na odgovornost.
30. junij, 2009 ob 14:01
ja bandla pa ropa….sej sta še med živimi….
sej mirage je pa baje vse spušil…kakor pridobljeno tako zgubljeno…bandl pa rop mata pa še dost…:)
30. junij, 2009 ob 16:17
Ljudje se ne zavedajo, da je to korak naprej h Orwellovem Big Brotherju. Danes prstni odtisi, jutri čip pod kožo. V posplošeni obliki. Ker so spremembe narejene po korakih, ljudje sprememb ne zaznavajo kot motečih ali nevarnih v smislu oženja svoboščin, ki nam pripadajo.
Naj mi nekdo razloži, za kaj za boga bi država od mene, ki nimam kriminalne datoteke, morala imeti vzorec mojih prstnih odtisov? Preventiva?
Resno, to niso nedolžne igre. Revolta pa nikakršnega!!! Kaj pa Pirc Musarjeve pravi?
Absolutno nasprotujem biometričnim potnim listom! Problem je le v tem, da sem nanje pozabil in nisem starega pravočasno “izgubil”, da bi dobil še za naslednjih 10 let starega brez biometričnih podatkov.:)
@kaktus: Uvedbo biometričnih potnih listov ni sprejela aktualna vlada. Biometrične potne liste so že pred letom ali dvema zahtevale ZDA!!!
30. junij, 2009 ob 17:02
seveda krucefiks to je vse na zahtevo zda
kaj pa mislite da nas caka
v londonu je na vsake 30m ena kamera kao zaradi kriminala kriminal se je pa od
instalacije kamer zmanjsal za 1.7%
kontrola interneta in ljudi nas se caka
30. junij, 2009 ob 17:55
Kaj ima pa LDS-ovec Dušan Vučko za početi na “nepolitičnem” mestu, ki ga je vsa ta leta nesrečno zasedal mag. Bojan Trnovšek (neštete manipulacije z referendumskimi podpisi, nazadnje v primeru zahteve za referendum o GSO…).
Sedaj bo glavni eksekutor postal tale politizer, nekdanji poslanec DZ - generalni direktor direktorata za upravne notranje zadeve Dušana Vučka.
To je pozicija, s katere se briše podpise, briše ljudi…
S čim si je zaslužil tole mesto?
30. junij, 2009 ob 18:17
No ja, tudi Miro Cerar mlajši si je po neštetih uspešnih blokadah referendumskih pobud in zahtev ter neposredne demokracije nasploh že zaslužil svoje mesto med velikimi.
Po svetovanju DZ pri blokadah referendumov, po poučevanju “prava”, po svetovanju odvetniški pisarni Mira Senice v ustavnopravnih zadevah, katerega “punca” je glavna LDS-ovka… je otrok druge glavne LDS-ovke pristal v sodnem svetu.
Kako zelo nepolitično kadrovanje, sveta Katarina pomagalka…
Aja, mimogrede. To sodstvo je že v takem podnu, da me želijo za udarec, ki sem ga pred očmi policista prejel od agresivneža na zasebnem dvorišču, oglobiti zaradi kršenja javnega reda na javnem kraju za 100 evrov…
2. javni kraj je vsak prostor, ki je brezpogojno ali pod določenimi pogoji dostopen vsakomur;
3. zasebni prostor je prostor, ki je v zasebni lasti ali posesti in je dostop vanj dovoljen le s soglasjem lastnika ali lastnice (v nadaljnjem besedilu: lastnik), posestnika ali posestnice (v nadaljnjem besedilu: posestnika), ali druge upravičene osebe;
Zadeva je vezana na drugo pravno mafijsko koruptivno situacijo…
1. julij, 2009 ob 4:53
Ja fantje, vsi po vrsti, tako se govori!
1. julij, 2009 ob 11:28
zanimivo je to, da je Cetis sploh dobil posel za potne liste!!
direktorica Cetisa niti po izgledu, niti po znanju ne ustreza takšnemu profilu.
kvečjemu bi lahko bila direktorica kakšnega kebab kioska. da ne govorim o prejšni bagri, ki je vodila Cetis in se masno okoristila. a ne Slamica?
1. julij, 2009 ob 12:07
HE HE me veseli, da vsaj nekateri še nismo čisto pozabili tistih glupih nalepk in Bandljevega Mirka, res je tudi kar je napisal Kaktus(7), zanimiv je tudi vzpon firme Mirage, ki je sicer res propadla, vendar so lastniki in botri pokasirali take denarje, da se lahko danes praskajo po riti, vzpon pa je dokaj podoben vzponu Ultre!!!
BLAŽ: s čim si je Vučko zaslužil mesto????…….sej vemo ne, z strankarsko pripadnostjo in predvsem ubogljivostjo, še en dokaz več o “boljšem” vodenju Slovenije in zares novo politiko z starimi poslušnimi kadri!!!!
1. julij, 2009 ob 20:42
Izgleda, da hoblič kar pozna razmere, ko bi vedel še to, koliko “diplomatskih” potnih listov je v tej deželi podeljenih političnim prijateljem, ki do tega sploh niso upravičeni ! Kot se govori jih še vedno posedujejo odsluženi, upokojeni politični starci med njimi tudi Ribičič !
Kaj pa če razmišljajo nekateri na pobeg v Sev. Korejo ali Cubo, po vseh teh odkritih Hudih jam !
2. julij, 2009 ob 0:21
Ja, Kaktus, kot se govori. Zaupno ti povem, da ga imam tudi sam - če bo situacija prehuda, bomo vsi grdi komunisti spizdili, pa ne na Kubo, ampak v Roswell, kjer nas bodo s svojo vesoljsko ladjo pobrali mali sivi.
2. julij, 2009 ob 2:38
..malora ,pa res dobr (vse) “deluje” ..!
4. julij, 2009 ob 13:26
Ali ste videli, istrski gonič ima diplomatski potni list, po čigavi zaslugi !?
18. oktober, 2023 ob 13:05
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22. november, 2023 ob 20:03
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Подробнее на
В заключение, объекты быстрого возвода - это лучшее решение для коммерческих инициатив. Они комбинируют в себе скорость строительства, экономию средств и устойчивость, что дает им возможность превосходным выбором для компаний, стремящихся оперативно начать предпринимательскую деятельность и выручать прибыль. Не упустите шанс на сокращение времени и издержек, выбрав быстровозводимые здания для ваших будущих инициатив!
8. december, 2023 ob 9:51
Your enthusiasm for the subject matter shines through every word of this article; it’s contagious! Your commitment to delivering valuable insights is greatly valued, and I eagerly anticipate more of your captivating content. Keep up the exceptional work!
8. december, 2023 ob 10:10
This article resonated with me on a personal level. Your ability to emotionally connect with your audience is truly commendable. Your words are not only informative but also heartwarming. Thank you for sharing your insights.
8. december, 2023 ob 10:25
I couldn’t agree more with the insightful points you’ve articulated in this article. Your profound knowledge on the subject is evident, and your unique perspective adds an invaluable dimension to the discourse. This is a must-read for anyone interested in this topic.
9. december, 2023 ob 7:58
In a world where trustworthy information is more crucial than ever, your dedication to research and the provision of reliable content is truly commendable. Your commitment to accuracy and transparency shines through in every post. Thank you for being a beacon of reliability in the online realm.
9. december, 2023 ob 8:35
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9. december, 2023 ob 8:46
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10. december, 2023 ob 6:23
Your dedication to sharing knowledge is evident, and your writing style is captivating. Your articles are a pleasure to read, and I always come away feeling enriched. Thank you for being a reliable source of inspiration and information.
12. december, 2023 ob 8:55
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12. december, 2023 ob 9:05
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16. december, 2023 ob 8:55
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16. december, 2023 ob 9:06
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17. december, 2023 ob 7:15
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20. december, 2023 ob 11:18
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21. december, 2023 ob 9:18
Your enthusiasm for the subject matter shines through every word of this article; it’s contagious! Your commitment to delivering valuable insights is greatly valued, and I eagerly anticipate more of your captivating content. Keep up the exceptional work!
21. december, 2023 ob 9:32
Your blog has rapidly become my trusted source of inspiration and knowledge. I genuinely appreciate the effort you invest in crafting each article. Your dedication to delivering high-quality content is apparent, and I eagerly await every new post.
21. december, 2023 ob 9:41
Your passion and dedication to your craft radiate through every article. Your positive energy is infectious, and it’s evident that you genuinely care about your readers’ experience. Your blog brightens my day!
22. december, 2023 ob 7:32
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22. december, 2023 ob 7:53
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23. december, 2023 ob 14:59
I couldn’t agree more with the insightful points you’ve articulated in this article. Your profound knowledge on the subject is evident, and your unique perspective adds an invaluable dimension to the discourse. This is a must-read for anyone interested in this topic.
23. december, 2023 ob 15:11
Your enthusiasm for the subject matter shines through in every word of this article. It’s infectious! Your dedication to delivering valuable insights is greatly appreciated, and I’m looking forward to more of your captivating content. Keep up the excellent work!
23. december, 2023 ob 15:53
Your enthusiasm for the subject matter radiates through every word of this article; it’s contagious! Your commitment to delivering valuable insights is greatly valued, and I eagerly anticipate more of your captivating content. Keep up the exceptional work!
24. december, 2023 ob 19:35
I am continually impressed by your ability to delve into subjects with grace and clarity. Your articles are both informative and enjoyable to read, a rare combination. Your blog is a valuable resource, and I am sincerely grateful for it.
24. december, 2023 ob 19:42
I couldn’t agree more with the insightful points you’ve articulated in this article. Your profound knowledge on the subject is evident, and your unique perspective adds an invaluable dimension to the discourse. This is a must-read for anyone interested in this topic.
24. december, 2023 ob 20:48
Your positivity and enthusiasm are undeniably contagious! This article brightened my day and left me feeling inspired. Thank you for sharing your uplifting message and spreading positivity among your readers.
25. december, 2023 ob 23:02
Your positivity and enthusiasm are undeniably contagious! This article brightened my day and left me feeling inspired. Thank you for sharing your uplifting message and spreading positivity among your readers.
25. december, 2023 ob 23:57
I couldn’t agree more with the insightful points you’ve articulated in this article. Your profound knowledge on the subject is evident, and your unique perspective adds an invaluable dimension to the discourse. This is a must-read for anyone interested in this topic.
26. december, 2023 ob 0:56
This article is a true game-changer! Your practical tips and well-thought-out suggestions hold incredible value. I’m eagerly anticipating implementing them. Thank you not only for sharing your expertise but also for making it accessible and easy to apply.
27. december, 2023 ob 16:28
Your enthusiasm for the subject matter shines through in every word of this article. It’s infectious! Your dedication to delivering valuable insights is greatly appreciated, and I’m looking forward to more of your captivating content. Keep up the excellent work!
27. december, 2023 ob 16:36
I must applaud your talent for simplifying complex topics. Your ability to convey intricate ideas in such a relatable manner is admirable. You’ve made learning enjoyable and accessible for many, and I deeply appreciate that.
27. december, 2023 ob 16:41
Your unique approach to addressing challenging subjects is like a breath of fresh air. Your articles stand out with their clarity and grace, making them a pure joy to read. Your blog has now become my go-to source for insightful content.
27. december, 2023 ob 17:13
Your writing style effortlessly draws me in, and I find it nearly impossible to stop reading until I’ve reached the end of your articles. Your ability to make complex subjects engaging is indeed a rare gift. Thank you for sharing your expertise!
1. januar, 2024 ob 0:54
I’m genuinely impressed by how effortlessly you distill intricate concepts into easily digestible information. Your writing style not only imparts knowledge but also engages the reader, making the learning experience both enjoyable and memorable. Your passion for sharing your expertise shines through, and for that, I’m deeply grateful.
1. januar, 2024 ob 2:45
I wish to express my deep gratitude for this enlightening article. Your distinct perspective and meticulously researched content bring fresh depth to the subject matter. It’s evident that you’ve invested a significant amount of thought into this, and your ability to convey complex ideas in such a clear and understandable manner is truly praiseworthy. Thank you for generously sharing your knowledge and making the learning process so enjoyable.
1. januar, 2024 ob 3:04
I must applaud your talent for simplifying complex topics. Your ability to convey intricate ideas in such a relatable manner is admirable. You’ve made learning enjoyable and accessible for many, and I deeply appreciate that.
1. januar, 2024 ob 3:14
I’m genuinely impressed by how effortlessly you distill intricate concepts into easily digestible information. Your writing style not only imparts knowledge but also engages the reader, making the learning experience both enjoyable and memorable. Your passion for sharing your expertise shines through, and for that, I’m deeply grateful.
1. januar, 2024 ob 4:46
In a world where trustworthy information is more important than ever, your commitment to research and providing reliable content is truly commendable. Your dedication to accuracy and transparency is evident in every post. Thank you for being a beacon of reliability in the online world.
1. januar, 2024 ob 4:54
I couldn’t agree more with the insightful points you’ve articulated in this article. Your profound knowledge on the subject is evident, and your unique perspective adds an invaluable dimension to the discourse. This is a must-read for anyone interested in this topic.
1. januar, 2024 ob 5:14
I am continually impressed by your ability to delve into subjects with grace and clarity. Your articles are both informative and enjoyable to read, a rare combination. Your blog is a valuable resource, and I am sincerely grateful for it.
3. januar, 2024 ob 21:55
I couldn’t agree more with the insightful points you’ve made in this article. Your depth of knowledge on the subject is evident, and your unique perspective adds an invaluable layer to the discussion. This is a must-read for anyone interested in this topic.
3. januar, 2024 ob 22:08
Your dedication to sharing knowledge is unmistakable, and your writing style is captivating. Your articles are a pleasure to read, and I consistently come away feeling enriched. Thank you for being a dependable source of inspiration and information.
3. januar, 2024 ob 22:19
I’m truly impressed by the way you effortlessly distill intricate concepts into easily digestible information. Your writing style not only imparts knowledge but also engages the reader, making the learning experience both enjoyable and memorable. Your passion for sharing your expertise is unmistakable, and for that, I am deeply grateful.
5. januar, 2024 ob 2:27
Your writing style effortlessly draws me in, and I find it nearly impossible to stop reading until I’ve reached the end of your articles. Your ability to make complex subjects engaging is indeed a rare gift. Thank you for sharing your expertise!
5. januar, 2024 ob 3:19
This article is a true game-changer! Your practical tips and well-thought-out suggestions hold incredible value. I’m eagerly anticipating implementing them. Thank you not only for sharing your expertise but also for making it accessible and easy to apply.
6. januar, 2024 ob 12:26
I couldn’t agree more with the insightful points you’ve articulated in this article. Your profound knowledge on the subject is evident, and your unique perspective adds an invaluable dimension to the discourse. This is a must-read for anyone interested in this topic.
6. januar, 2024 ob 12:43
I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the wealth of valuable information you provide in your articles. Your blog has become a go-to resource for me, and I always come away with new knowledge and fresh perspectives. I’m excited to continue learning from your future posts.
6. januar, 2024 ob 13:09
Your enthusiasm for the subject matter shines through in every word of this article. It’s infectious! Your dedication to delivering valuable insights is greatly appreciated, and I’m looking forward to more of your captivating content. Keep up the excellent work!
7. januar, 2024 ob 16:12
Your unique approach to addressing challenging subjects is like a breath of fresh air. Your articles stand out with their clarity and grace, making them a pure joy to read. Your blog has now become my go-to source for insightful content.
7. januar, 2024 ob 17:01
I am continually impressed by your ability to delve into subjects with grace and clarity. Your articles are both informative and enjoyable to read, a rare combination. Your blog is a valuable resource, and I am sincerely grateful for it.
7. januar, 2024 ob 17:20
Your writing style effortlessly draws me in, and I find it nearly impossible to stop reading until I’ve reached the end of your articles. Your ability to make complex subjects engaging is indeed a rare gift. Thank you for sharing your expertise!
7. januar, 2024 ob 17:49
Your dedication to sharing knowledge is unmistakable, and your writing style is captivating. Your articles are a pleasure to read, and I consistently come away feeling enriched. Thank you for being a dependable source of inspiration and information.
8. januar, 2024 ob 19:42
Your unique approach to addressing challenging subjects is like a breath of fresh air. Your articles stand out with their clarity and grace, making them a pure joy to read. Your blog has now become my go-to source for insightful content.
8. januar, 2024 ob 21:42
I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the wealth of invaluable information you consistently provide in your articles. Your blog has become my go-to resource, and I consistently emerge with new knowledge and fresh perspectives. I’m eagerly looking forward to continuing my learning journey through your future posts.
8. januar, 2024 ob 22:08
I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the wealth of invaluable information you consistently provide in your articles. Your blog has become my go-to resource, and I consistently emerge with new knowledge and fresh perspectives. I’m eagerly looking forward to continuing my learning journey through your future posts.
9. januar, 2024 ob 23:12
I’d like to express my heartfelt appreciation for this enlightening article. Your distinct perspective and meticulously researched content bring a fresh depth to the subject matter. It’s evident that you’ve invested a great deal of thought into this, and your ability to articulate complex ideas in such a clear and comprehensible manner is truly commendable. Thank you for generously sharing your knowledge and making the process of learning so enjoyable.
10. januar, 2024 ob 1:25
Your storytelling prowess is nothing short of extraordinary. Reading this article felt like embarking on an adventure of its own. The vivid descriptions and engaging narrative transported me, and I eagerly await to see where your next story takes us. Thank you for sharing your experiences in such a captivating manner.
10. januar, 2024 ob 1:38
I’ve discovered a treasure trove of knowledge in your blog. Your unwavering dedication to offering trustworthy information is truly commendable. Each visit leaves me more enlightened, and I deeply appreciate your consistent reliability.
10. januar, 2024 ob 20:49
I’ve discovered a treasure trove of knowledge in your blog. Your unwavering dedication to offering trustworthy information is truly commendable. Each visit leaves me more enlightened, and I deeply appreciate your consistent reliability.
11. januar, 2024 ob 8:57
This article resonated with me on a personal level. Your ability to emotionally connect with your audience is truly commendable. Your words are not only informative but also heartwarming. Thank you for sharing your insights.
11. januar, 2024 ob 9:12
I’m continually impressed by your ability to dive deep into subjects with grace and clarity. Your articles are both informative and enjoyable to read, a rare combination. Your blog is a valuable resource, and I’m grateful for it.
11. januar, 2024 ob 9:30
Your enthusiasm for the subject matter shines through every word of this article; it’s contagious! Your commitment to delivering valuable insights is greatly valued, and I eagerly anticipate more of your captivating content. Keep up the exceptional work!
11. januar, 2024 ob 12:03
Your writing style effortlessly draws me in, and I find it difficult to stop reading until I reach the end of your articles. Your ability to make complex subjects engaging is a true gift. Thank you for sharing your expertise!
11. januar, 2024 ob 12:14
I simply wanted to convey how much I’ve gleaned from this article. Your meticulous research and clear explanations make the information accessible to all readers. It’s abundantly clear that you’re committed to providing valuable content.
12. januar, 2024 ob 3:41
I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the wealth of valuable information you provide in your articles. Your blog has become a go-to resource for me, and I always come away with new knowledge and fresh perspectives. I’m excited to continue learning from your future posts.
12. januar, 2024 ob 12:03
I am continually impressed by your ability to delve into subjects with grace and clarity. Your articles are both informative and enjoyable to read, a rare combination. Your blog is a valuable resource, and I am sincerely grateful for it.
12. januar, 2024 ob 12:28
I’ve discovered a treasure trove of knowledge in your blog. Your unwavering dedication to offering trustworthy information is truly commendable. Each visit leaves me more enlightened, and I deeply appreciate your consistent reliability.
12. januar, 2024 ob 12:53
I want to express my sincere appreciation for this enlightening article. Your unique perspective and well-researched content bring a fresh depth to the subject matter. It’s evident that you’ve invested considerable thought into this, and your ability to convey complex ideas in such a clear and understandable way is truly commendable. Thank you for generously sharing your knowledge and making the learning process enjoyable.
12. januar, 2024 ob 18:39
Your writing style effortlessly draws me in, and I find it nearly impossible to stop reading until I’ve reached the end of your articles. Your ability to make complex subjects engaging is indeed a rare gift. Thank you for sharing your expertise!
12. januar, 2024 ob 18:44
Your positivity and enthusiasm are truly infectious! This article brightened my day and left me feeling inspired. Thank you for sharing your uplifting message and spreading positivity to your readers.
13. januar, 2024 ob 13:04
Your blog has rapidly become my trusted source of inspiration and knowledge. I genuinely appreciate the effort you invest in crafting each article. Your dedication to delivering high-quality content is apparent, and I eagerly await every new post.
13. januar, 2024 ob 15:21
Your enthusiasm for the subject matter shines through every word of this article; it’s infectious! Your commitment to delivering valuable insights is greatly valued, and I eagerly anticipate more of your captivating content. Keep up the exceptional work!
13. januar, 2024 ob 15:51
Your writing style effortlessly draws me in, and I find it nearly impossible to stop reading until I’ve reached the end of your articles. Your ability to make complex subjects engaging is indeed a rare gift. Thank you for sharing your expertise!
13. januar, 2024 ob 16:12
Your dedication to sharing knowledge is evident, and your writing style is captivating. Your articles are a pleasure to read, and I always come away feeling enriched. Thank you for being a reliable source of inspiration and information.
14. januar, 2024 ob 16:13
Your blog is a true gem in the vast expanse of the online world. Your consistent delivery of high-quality content is truly commendable. Thank you for consistently going above and beyond in providing valuable insights. Keep up the fantastic work!
14. januar, 2024 ob 18:52
Your enthusiasm for the subject matter shines through every word of this article; it’s contagious! Your commitment to delivering valuable insights is greatly valued, and I eagerly anticipate more of your captivating content. Keep up the exceptional work!
14. januar, 2024 ob 19:29
I’d like to express my heartfelt appreciation for this insightful article. Your unique perspective and well-researched content bring a fresh depth to the subject matter. It’s evident that you’ve invested considerable thought into this, and your ability to convey complex ideas in such a clear and understandable way is truly commendable. Thank you for sharing your knowledge so generously and making the learning process enjoyable.
14. januar, 2024 ob 19:37
This article resonated with me on a personal level. Your ability to emotionally connect with your audience is truly commendable. Your words are not only informative but also heartwarming. Thank you for sharing your insights.
15. januar, 2024 ob 6:42
Наша бригада искусных мастеров приготовлена предоставить вам актуальные приемы, которые не только гарантируют надежную защиту от холодных воздействий, но и дарят вашему зданию модный вид.
Мы занимаемся с самыми современными веществами, гарантируя долгосрочный период использования и отличные результаты. Изолирование наружных поверхностей – это не только экономия на огреве, но и трепет о окружающей среде. Энергосберегающие технологические решения, каковые мы внедряем, способствуют не только твоему, но и сохранению природы.
Самое центральное: Услуги по утеплению фасадов частных домов у нас составляет всего от 1250 рублей за квадратный метр! Это доступное решение, которое метаморфозирует ваш жилище в истинный тепловой уголок с минимальными расходами.
Наши труды – это не исключительно утепление, это составление поля, в где каждый компонент выражает ваш особенный модель. Мы возьмем во внимание все твои пожелания, чтобы воплотить ваш дом еще больше приятным и привлекательным.
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Не откладывайте заботу о своем квартире на потом! Обращайтесь к спецам, и мы сделаем ваш дом не только более теплым, но и моднее. Заинтересовались? Подробнее о наших проектах вы можете узнать на официальном сайте. Добро пожаловать в сферу гармонии и стандартов.
15. januar, 2024 ob 10:04
This article is a true game-changer! Your practical tips and well-thought-out suggestions hold incredible value. I’m eagerly anticipating implementing them. Thank you not only for sharing your expertise but also for making it accessible and easy to apply.
17. januar, 2024 ob 1:01
Your dedication to sharing knowledge is unmistakable, and your writing style is captivating. Your articles are a pleasure to read, and I consistently come away feeling enriched. Thank you for being a dependable source of inspiration and information.
17. januar, 2024 ob 1:09
Your positivity and enthusiasm are undeniably contagious! This article brightened my day and left me feeling inspired. Thank you for sharing your uplifting message and spreading positivity among your readers.
17. januar, 2024 ob 10:39
Your dedication to sharing knowledge is evident, and your writing style is captivating. Your articles are a pleasure to read, and I always come away feeling enriched. Thank you for being a reliable source of inspiration and information.
17. januar, 2024 ob 11:00
Your writing style effortlessly draws me in, and I find it nearly impossible to stop reading until I’ve reached the end of your articles. Your ability to make complex subjects engaging is indeed a rare gift. Thank you for sharing your expertise!
17. januar, 2024 ob 11:15
Your enthusiasm for the subject matter radiates through every word of this article; it’s contagious! Your commitment to delivering valuable insights is greatly valued, and I eagerly anticipate more of your captivating content. Keep up the exceptional work!
17. januar, 2024 ob 19:16
I’d like to express my heartfelt appreciation for this insightful article. Your unique perspective and well-researched content bring a fresh depth to the subject matter. It’s evident that you’ve invested considerable thought into this, and your ability to convey complex ideas in such a clear and understandable way is truly commendable. Thank you for sharing your knowledge so generously and making the learning process enjoyable.
17. januar, 2024 ob 19:41
I just wanted to express how much I’ve learned from this article. Your meticulous research and clear explanations make the information accessible to all readers. It’s evident that you’re dedicated to providing valuable content.
17. januar, 2024 ob 19:52
I simply wanted to convey how much I’ve gleaned from this article. Your meticulous research and clear explanations make the information accessible to all readers. It’s abundantly clear that you’re committed to providing valuable content.
18. januar, 2024 ob 13:44
Your unique approach to addressing challenging subjects is like a breath of fresh air. Your articles stand out with their clarity and grace, making them a pure joy to read. Your blog has now become my go-to source for insightful content.
18. januar, 2024 ob 13:48
Your enthusiasm for the subject matter radiates through every word of this article; it’s contagious! Your commitment to delivering valuable insights is greatly valued, and I eagerly anticipate more of your captivating content. Keep up the exceptional work!
18. januar, 2024 ob 14:48
In a world where trustworthy information is more important than ever, your commitment to research and providing reliable content is truly commendable. Your dedication to accuracy and transparency is evident in every post. Thank you for being a beacon of reliability in the online world.
18. januar, 2024 ob 15:08
I’m truly impressed by the way you effortlessly distill intricate concepts into easily digestible information. Your writing style not only imparts knowledge but also engages the reader, making the learning experience both enjoyable and memorable. Your passion for sharing your expertise is unmistakable, and for that, I am deeply grateful.
18. januar, 2024 ob 15:24
Your positivity and enthusiasm are undeniably contagious! This article brightened my day and left me feeling inspired. Thank you for sharing your uplifting message and spreading positivity among your readers.
19. januar, 2024 ob 8:22
Your unique approach to tackling challenging subjects is a breath of fresh air. Your articles stand out with their clarity and grace, making them a joy to read. Your blog is now my go-to for insightful content.
19. januar, 2024 ob 8:52
I’ve discovered a treasure trove of knowledge in your blog. Your unwavering dedication to offering trustworthy information is truly commendable. Each visit leaves me more enlightened, and I deeply appreciate your consistent reliability.
19. januar, 2024 ob 9:29
Your unique approach to tackling challenging subjects is a breath of fresh air. Your articles stand out with their clarity and grace, making them a joy to read. Your blog is now my go-to for insightful content.
20. januar, 2024 ob 14:58
Your writing style effortlessly draws me in, and I find it nearly impossible to stop reading until I’ve reached the end of your articles. Your ability to make complex subjects engaging is indeed a rare gift. Thank you for sharing your expertise!
20. januar, 2024 ob 15:02
I’m continually impressed by your ability to dive deep into subjects with grace and clarity. Your articles are both informative and enjoyable to read, a rare combination. Your blog is a valuable resource, and I’m grateful for it.
21. januar, 2024 ob 0:20
Your blog has rapidly become my trusted source of inspiration and knowledge. I genuinely appreciate the effort you invest in crafting each article. Your dedication to delivering high-quality content is apparent, and I eagerly await every new post.
21. januar, 2024 ob 0:51
I must commend your talent for simplifying complex topics. Your ability to convey intricate ideas in such a relatable way is admirable. You’ve made learning enjoyable and accessible for many, and I appreciate that.
21. januar, 2024 ob 1:18
I am continually impressed by your ability to delve into subjects with grace and clarity. Your articles are both informative and enjoyable to read, a rare combination. Your blog is a valuable resource, and I am sincerely grateful for it.
21. januar, 2024 ob 18:08
This article resonated with me on a personal level. Your ability to emotionally connect with your audience is truly commendable. Your words are not only informative but also heartwarming. Thank you for sharing your insights.
21. januar, 2024 ob 18:39
I want to express my appreciation for this insightful article. Your unique perspective and well-researched content bring a new depth to the subject matter. It’s clear you’ve put a lot of thought into this, and your ability to convey complex ideas in such a clear and understandable way is truly commendable. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and making learning enjoyable.
21. januar, 2024 ob 18:58
I’m genuinely impressed by how effortlessly you distill intricate concepts into easily digestible information. Your writing style not only imparts knowledge but also engages the reader, making the learning experience both enjoyable and memorable. Your passion for sharing your expertise shines through, and for that, I’m deeply grateful.
21. januar, 2024 ob 19:13
I must applaud your talent for simplifying complex topics. Your ability to convey intricate ideas in such a relatable manner is admirable. You’ve made learning enjoyable and accessible for many, and I deeply appreciate that.
21. januar, 2024 ob 20:25
Your passion and dedication to your craft radiate through every article. Your positive energy is infectious, and it’s evident that you genuinely care about your readers’ experience. Your blog brightens my day!
22. januar, 2024 ob 12:52
Your storytelling prowess is nothing short of extraordinary. Reading this article felt like embarking on an adventure of its own. The vivid descriptions and engaging narrative transported me, and I eagerly await to see where your next story takes us. Thank you for sharing your experiences in such a captivating manner.
22. januar, 2024 ob 15:00
Your dedication to sharing knowledge is evident, and your writing style is captivating. Your articles are a pleasure to read, and I always come away feeling enriched. Thank you for being a reliable source of inspiration and information.
22. januar, 2024 ob 21:49
Your enthusiasm for the subject matter radiates through every word of this article; it’s contagious! Your commitment to delivering valuable insights is greatly valued, and I eagerly anticipate more of your captivating content. Keep up the exceptional work!
22. januar, 2024 ob 22:29
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23. januar, 2024 ob 1:16
I’m genuinely impressed by how effortlessly you distill intricate concepts into easily digestible information. Your writing style not only imparts knowledge but also engages the reader, making the learning experience both enjoyable and memorable. Your passion for sharing your expertise is unmistakable, and for that, I am deeply appreciative.
24. januar, 2024 ob 3:48
I’ve discovered a treasure trove of knowledge in your blog. Your unwavering dedication to offering trustworthy information is truly commendable. Each visit leaves me more enlightened, and I deeply appreciate your consistent reliability.
24. januar, 2024 ob 4:19
I’m continually impressed by your ability to dive deep into subjects with grace and clarity. Your articles are both informative and enjoyable to read, a rare combination. Your blog is a valuable resource, and I’m grateful for it.
24. januar, 2024 ob 12:10
In a world where trustworthy information is more crucial than ever, your dedication to research and the provision of reliable content is truly commendable. Your commitment to accuracy and transparency shines through in every post. Thank you for being a beacon of reliability in the online realm.
24. januar, 2024 ob 12:45
I simply wanted to convey how much I’ve gleaned from this article. Your meticulous research and clear explanations make the information accessible to all readers. It’s abundantly clear that you’re committed to providing valuable content.
24. januar, 2024 ob 13:01
Your passion and dedication to your craft radiate through every article. Your positive energy is infectious, and it’s evident that you genuinely care about your readers’ experience. Your blog brightens my day!
24. januar, 2024 ob 20:33
Your blog has rapidly become my trusted source of inspiration and knowledge. I genuinely appreciate the effort you invest in crafting each article. Your dedication to delivering high-quality content is apparent, and I eagerly await every new post.
24. januar, 2024 ob 21:58
I’d like to express my heartfelt appreciation for this insightful article. Your unique perspective and well-researched content bring a fresh depth to the subject matter. It’s evident that you’ve invested considerable thought into this, and your ability to convey complex ideas in such a clear and understandable way is truly commendable. Thank you for sharing your knowledge so generously and making the learning process enjoyable.
25. januar, 2024 ob 0:54
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25. januar, 2024 ob 13:53
I’ve discovered a treasure trove of knowledge in your blog. Your unwavering dedication to offering trustworthy information is truly commendable. Each visit leaves me more enlightened, and I deeply appreciate your consistent reliability.
25. januar, 2024 ob 14:41
In a world where trustworthy information is more crucial than ever, your dedication to research and the provision of reliable content is truly commendable. Your commitment to accuracy and transparency shines through in every post. Thank you for being a beacon of reliability in the online realm.
25. januar, 2024 ob 15:05
I want to express my sincere appreciation for this enlightening article. Your unique perspective and well-researched content bring a fresh depth to the subject matter. It’s evident that you’ve invested considerable thought into this, and your ability to convey complex ideas in such a clear and understandable way is truly commendable. Thank you for generously sharing your knowledge and making the learning process enjoyable.
25. januar, 2024 ob 15:40
I wish to express my deep gratitude for this enlightening article. Your distinct perspective and meticulously researched content bring fresh depth to the subject matter. It’s evident that you’ve invested a significant amount of thought into this, and your ability to convey complex ideas in such a clear and understandable manner is truly praiseworthy. Thank you for generously sharing your knowledge and making the learning process so enjoyable.
25. januar, 2024 ob 15:53
In a world where trustworthy information is more crucial than ever, your dedication to research and the provision of reliable content is truly commendable. Your commitment to accuracy and transparency shines through in every post. Thank you for being a beacon of reliability in the online realm.
26. januar, 2024 ob 8:53
Your positivity and enthusiasm are truly infectious! This article brightened my day and left me feeling inspired. Thank you for sharing your uplifting message and spreading positivity to your readers.
26. januar, 2024 ob 14:29
Your blog is a true gem in the vast online world. Your consistent delivery of high-quality content is admirable. Thank you for always going above and beyond in providing valuable insights. Keep up the fantastic work!
26. januar, 2024 ob 16:57
This article is a true game-changer! Your practical tips and well-thought-out suggestions hold incredible value. I’m eagerly anticipating implementing them. Thank you not only for sharing your expertise but also for making it accessible and easy to apply.
26. januar, 2024 ob 17:04
Your blog has quickly become my trusted source of inspiration and knowledge. I genuinely appreciate the effort you put into crafting each article. Your dedication to delivering high-quality content is evident, and I look forward to every new post.
27. januar, 2024 ob 18:44
Your positivity and enthusiasm are undeniably contagious! This article brightened my day and left me feeling inspired. Thank you for sharing your uplifting message and spreading positivity among your readers.