Sunday 23. February 2025 - Zadnja sprememba ob 21:38:32

Vajgl po seji OZP

18. junij 2009 ob 0:06 | Denis Sarkić |

Predsednik Odbora DZ za zunanjo politiko Ivo Vajgl po seji odbora, na kateri so politiki razpravljali o t.i zadnjem Rehnovem predlogu.

Denis Sarkić

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Komentarji - 1 komentar
  1. medek pravi:
    “The responsibility for this terrible human rights crime lies in Jerusalem, Cairo, Washington, and throughout the international community. This abuse must cease; the crimes must be investigated; the walls must be brought down, and the basic right of freedom must come to you,” he told the crowd.

    Ker se kao na Balkanu ne ukvarjamo s Palestinci.
