Falcon in slaba banka
16. maj 2009 ob 8:57 | Denis Sarkić |Minister za finance Franci Križanič na novinarski konferenci po zadnji seji vlade o (ne)reševanju težav z vladnim letalom Falcon in o možnosti ustanovitve t.i. slabe banke.
Denis Sarkić
16. maj, 2009 ob 9:12
Nepravi človek na nepravem mestu.
16. maj, 2009 ob 15:01
Today the world is run by three of the most secretive institutions in the world: The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization, all three of which, in turn, are dominated by the U.S. Their decisions are made in secret. The people who head them are appointed behind closed doors. Nobody really knows anything about them, their politics, their beliefs, their intentions. Nobody elected them. Nobody said they could make decisions on our behalf.
Arundhati Roy