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Pavle Gantar o Alu Goru

14. december 2008 ob 13:51 | Denis Sarkić |

Predsednik Državnega zbora Pavle Gantar o predavanju Nobelovca in nekdanjega ameriškega podpredsednika Ala Gora v Ljubljani.

Denis Sarkić

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Komentarji - 4 x komentirano
  1. Turek pravi:

    Hahahaha, kakšno trpljenje ob srečanju z Denisom :)

    Jaooooo! Ne štekam, kako lahko folk pada na tega blesavega Gore-a?!?! Pa sej je bil tip t.i. drugi najmočnejši človek na svetu - zakaj ni takrat česa naredil, ne pa da je zdej pameten?!?! Človeška neumnost je brezmejna.

  2. Borutalk pravi:

    Dajte, no, g. Gantar….”impresivno predavanje”. Impresivna je bila menda tudi cena vstopnine za tako predstavo. Ali vas to ni motilo, g.Gantar?

  3. medek pravi:

    Referring to Mark Penn, the influential Washington Post once referred to him as “the most powerful man in Washington you’ve never heard of.” According to PSB’s website, Penn helped elect 15 overseas Presidents in the Far East, Latin America, and Europe. Clients include heads of state or opposition politicians in Greece, Turkey, Israel, the Philippines, the Dominican Republic, Bermuda and Yugoslavia.
    …political incest?

    More interesting is that “Democrat” Penn’s Burson-Marsteller Worldwide owns BKSH & Associates, a major political lobbying firm run by Charles R. Black, Jr. counsellor to Republican Presidents. Black now works full time for the campaign of Republican John McCain. In other words, Black heads a firm whose boss is “Democrat” Clinton top strategist, at the same time Black is Republican opponent John McCain’s top strategist.

    In turn, Penn’s firm, Burson-Marsteller is owned by British advertising and Public Relations giant, WPP Group which employs as lobbyists a former Republican National Committee chairman, Ed Gillespie; a former House of Representatives Republican leader, Robert S. Walker, top Republican fundraiser, Wayne L. Berman and the former media adviser to George W. Bush, Mark McKinnon.

    In the wake of the resignation of Mark Penn, reports in Washington are that James Carville, former 1992 campaign adviser to Bill Clinton, to Tony Blair and Israel’s Ehud Barak, will assume the role of campaign strategist. It is worth noting that Carville is also deep in Washington political incest. While Carville was running the 1992 Clinton strategy, Carville’s fiancee, Mary Matalin was running the campaign strategy of President George Herbert Walker Bush. As the old expression goes, US politics at least, has indeed strange bedfellows.

  4. DAVID ICKE pravi:

    Kreten gore kreten gantar,mi pa še večji ker jih gledamo, golazen.
