183. seja vlade
15. oktober 2008 ob 0:39 | Denis Sarkić |Fototermin 183. redne seje vlade na kateri je premier Janez Janša s svojimi ministri lahko še zadnjič odločal s polnimi pooblastili. Vzdušje je bilo temu primerno.
Denis Sarkić
15. oktober, 2008 ob 1:23
Good morning Vietnam ali raje božanska komedija glede na surlo.
Neverjetno zadovoljni so, ko zapuščajo Titanik in svetilnik.
Ali lahko rečemo, da se je titanik zabil v svetilnik.
15. oktober, 2008 ob 1:31
The first of the Twin Towers, the Derivatives Tower of Babel, has now
toppled, although you cannot see it yet as the dust is still settling. The toppling
of the second, the Debt Tower of Babel, will follow in due course ― unless
banks are recapitalized with gold with all deliberate speed.
The collapse of the Debt Tower of Babel would spell a disaster of the first
magnitude, adversely affecting everybody. It would trigger the Great Grand
Depression of the twenty-first century, making the Great Depression of the
twentieth look mild in comparison.
Ekonomist stoletja :)
15. oktober, 2008 ob 11:20
Ampak Karel je pa faca, veliko bolj duhovit kot kak Zmagec. :)
15. oktober, 2008 ob 12:59
Potem pa najboljše, če je obrambni minister Jurij Zrnec.
15. oktober, 2008 ob 13:42
He, he - Sarkić seka !!