Evropska komisija je danes dala zeleno luč za uvoz, predelavo in uporabo genetsko spremenjene soje vrste A2704-12 proizvajalca Bayer Cropscience. Že pred genetsko spremenjeno sojo iz laboratorijev nemškega biotehnološkega podjetja je bila v EU dovoljena uporaba vrste Mon40-3-2 ameriškega biotehnološkega velikana Monsanto. http://www.dnevnik.si/novice/eu/1042205266
V EU so že dovoljeni uvoz, predelava in uporaba genetsko spremenjene soje vrste Mon40-3-2 ameriškega proizvajalca Monsanto, za katero pa je po navedbah avstrijske tiskovne agencije APA pravkar v teku postopek za podaljšanje dovoljenja. Poleg omenjenih dveh vrst si za zeleno luč Bruslja prizadevajo še proizvajalci petih drugih vrst genetsko spremenjene soje.
Glufosinate herbicide might also influence behavior. According to Kuroda, “female rats born from mothers that were given high doses of glufosinate became aggressive and started to bite each other-in some cases until one died.” He added, “That report sent a chill through me.”
C Glufosinate and its metabolite, MMPA-3 are neurotoxins.
C Glufosinate effects the central nervous system development in
baby rats.
C Teratogenic effects of glufosinate include growth retardation
and deformities of the brain in rats and mice.
• The surfactant used in glufosinate formulations is also toxic
Glufosinate is persistent and mobile in soils. Under some soil
conditions such as sandy soils which overlie many aquifers,
glufosinate is persistent and mobile.
C Glufosinate is toxic to beneficial soil micro-organisms.
C Glufosinate is a threat to wild plant communities.
C Glufosinate is toxic to some aquatic organisms.
C Glufosinate may increase nitrogen leaching from arable fields
C Herbicide resistant crops are likely to lead to glufosinate
resistant volunteers, feral populations, and resistant weeds
and will intensify and increase dependency on herbicide use
rather than lead to any significant reductions.
C Foreign genetic material may be introduced into wild
populations and effect the structure of plant communities.
Ajdowc pravi:
8. september, 2008 ob 20:31
Pohvale organizatorjem eko tedna. Če bom le našel čas se ga bom kak dan udeležil.
Žalostno je, da se pri vesteh o konzervha in intrigah v politiki pojavlja milijon komentarjev, novice in dogodki, ki so prav tako pomembni za našo prihodnost in prihodnost naših otrok pa ostanejo prezrti.
Blaž Babič pravi:
9. september, 2008 ob 12:12
Z mrtvo in posušeno bakterijo Escherichio coli lahko hraniš svojo kravo:
8. september, 2008 ob 15:27
Evropska komisija je danes dala zeleno luč za uvoz, predelavo in uporabo genetsko spremenjene soje vrste A2704-12 proizvajalca Bayer Cropscience. Že pred genetsko spremenjeno sojo iz laboratorijev nemškega biotehnološkega podjetja je bila v EU dovoljena uporaba vrste Mon40-3-2 ameriškega biotehnološkega velikana Monsanto.
V EU so že dovoljeni uvoz, predelava in uporaba genetsko spremenjene soje vrste Mon40-3-2 ameriškega proizvajalca Monsanto, za katero pa je po navedbah avstrijske tiskovne agencije APA pravkar v teku postopek za podaljšanje dovoljenja. Poleg omenjenih dveh vrst si za zeleno luč Bruslja prizadevajo še proizvajalci petih drugih vrst genetsko spremenjene soje.
8. september, 2008 ob 15:29
Herbicide tolerant
8. september, 2008 ob 15:39
developed to resist glufosinate herbicides
Pravijo da je u redu?
Glufosinate herbicide might also influence behavior. According to Kuroda, “female rats born from mothers that were given high doses of glufosinate became aggressive and started to bite each other-in some cases until one died.” He added, “That report sent a chill through me.”,+bees&hl=sl&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=si
8. september, 2008 ob 15:40
Glufosinate herbicide might also influence behavior. According to Kuroda, “female rats born from mothers that were given high doses of glufosinate became aggressive and started to bite each other-in some cases until one died.” He added, “That report sent a chill through me.”
8. september, 2008 ob 15:40,+bees&hl=sl&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=si
8. september, 2008 ob 15:53
C Glufosinate and its metabolite, MMPA-3 are neurotoxins.
C Glufosinate effects the central nervous system development in
baby rats.
C Teratogenic effects of glufosinate include growth retardation
and deformities of the brain in rats and mice.
• The surfactant used in glufosinate formulations is also toxic
Glufosinate is persistent and mobile in soils. Under some soil
conditions such as sandy soils which overlie many aquifers,
glufosinate is persistent and mobile.
C Glufosinate is toxic to beneficial soil micro-organisms.
C Glufosinate is a threat to wild plant communities.
C Glufosinate is toxic to some aquatic organisms.
C Glufosinate may increase nitrogen leaching from arable fields
C Herbicide resistant crops are likely to lead to glufosinate
resistant volunteers, feral populations, and resistant weeds
and will intensify and increase dependency on herbicide use
rather than lead to any significant reductions.
C Foreign genetic material may be introduced into wild
populations and effect the structure of plant communities.
8. september, 2008 ob 20:31
Pohvale organizatorjem eko tedna. Če bom le našel čas se ga bom kak dan udeležil.
Žalostno je, da se pri vesteh o konzervha in intrigah v politiki pojavlja milijon komentarjev, novice in dogodki, ki so prav tako pomembni za našo prihodnost in prihodnost naših otrok pa ostanejo prezrti.
9. september, 2008 ob 12:12
Z mrtvo in posušeno bakterijo Escherichio coli lahko hraniš svojo kravo:
9. september, 2008 ob 19:38
Imaš hlev doma, Blaž?
23. september, 2008 ob 0:58
Tale pa tudi komplčicira.Če me ne bi spominjala na moje študentske čase na biotehniški fakulteti, bi tudi njej reku kmetica! Kaj čmo, takle mamo!