Tuesday 1. October 2024 - Zadnja sprememba ob 21:38:32

Iztok Podbregar - veliki intervju

28. april 2007 ob 14:00 | Denis Sarkić |

Iztok Podbregar, bivši načelnik generalštaba SV, bivši direktor SOVA in sedanji svetovalec za nacionalno varnost v kabinetu Predsednika RS, je v daljšem intervjuju za Vest govoril o vojaških nabavah in oborožitvi, vojaškem letalstvu, mirovnih misijah, vladnem Falconu in še nekaterih drugih zadevah.

Video: Denis Sarkić

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Komentarji - 1 komentar
  1. Marko Bucik » Slovenia: an update on political chaos pravi:

    […] Because he is fighting people that do not compete with him for power any longer. He attacks a former Prime Minister / current President, who clearly intends to step out of politics after his mandate ends. The SOVA affairs also questions the role of its previous head, Iztok Podbregar, who never expressed the wish to enter party-politics and is actually quite good in defending himself. At the same time Janša, otherwise known as a good strategist, appears to have lost the compass. He is losing ground in the opinion polls and then blames the public and media for being unfair. We have heard this before and it currently really doesn’t help the government’s standing. […]
